Zoe Claire

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Family Fun :)

We went to the outlet mall last night- just to get out of the house- We so never go to the mall. It was fun. Childrensplace was having some major sales- so Ella made out big time for like 20 bucks! And Joe got a new fancy wallet because his old one had pieces falling off of it. We then found a photo booth and took some pics- and yes - we do love being awesome. After the mall we went out for coffee at Tim Hortons. It was so crazy because some kids were having a bible study there and these old ladies next to them wanted to call the police on them for loitering. The kids had long been done with their coffee- so I guess these old ladies felt it was their duty to make sure these trouble causing teens moved on~ dammit! Does it get weirder than that? I mean really? How do you get to the place where you are calling the police on Bible reading teenagers? It was just funny- and sad- but mostly funny.
We took Ella to china buffet today- you know - for the culture-
They had a super cool Indian grocery store in the same plaza- so we went exploring. I think some of the food in there was older then us. It was pretty great.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Dog's Dish

Ella has always loved all things about how the dog eats. She often leaves her toys in the dog's dish- I guess as a sort of present for Midas. Yesterday I found the letter "G" in the dish.
We discovered today that Ella can totally take the water jug off the top of Midas' water dish and carry it around. She, of course, is super excited about this.The best part of it is that the more you walk around with it upside down- the lighter it gets!
She had a lot of fun with that today- I probably had less fun.
Ella also started Day care since our last post. She is ok with it- and I guess I'm getting to be ok with it. It really is the most horrible thing ever though- you pay through the nose to let strangers watch your baby while you go out and try to make enough money to pay the strangers. Meanwhile, your child is crying and covered in snot at the door as you drive away. So- maybe I'm not ok with it- I don't know- it is what it is for now.
Coinciding with daycare was me going back to work at NCCC. Its still great having that job- I'm not sure why, but it seems I am always a bit nervous when I first start talking to my classes. Maybe because so many of my students are older then me.

I am also working for Jake at night, making phone calls and stuff for his new company. During the day I work at the chapel watching kids and I also got a job tutoring for the bio dept at NCCC. We are pretty much working constantly. I am looking for one job to replace all 4 of my jobs (the nerd in me wants to make a lord of the rings reference there)- I'm going on a bunch of chiro interviews these days. So far I have found out that the pay is worse then minimum wage.
I'm working hard and hoping that things will all fall into place by the time baby number 2 is born. Super nervous about what I'm going to do with baby number 2 once it is born- or what is going to happen at my jobs- but at the moment we are just taking everything one day at a time.
So pray that I find a job- a chiropractor one or a full time teaching one (I'm interviewing for that too) and for childcare to come together.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yay for 2010! So far we got a lot of snow and Joe was hired by Citibank to do computer stuff- and school is almost back in session- so we will be super busy again soon enough.
Baby number duo is doing good according to all the tests and stuff- I had to take that nasty glucose tolerance test yesterday- it totally sucked because the stuff they make you drink makes me sooooo sick- but I passed with flyin colors-
Ella loves the camera these days and she has been smiling so big for it that you can't see her eyes- she's so silly.
We made some brownies the other night and Ella got to have her own part of the badder to lick- so she was extra happy. I think we might take Ella sledding later today- once the house is in a little better order :)