Zoe Claire

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

this past week

Well- it was another busy week.

Probably the biggest news is that our bathroom was fixed! there is still a hole in the kitchen ceiling- but it no longer leaks! And we also got a new floor in the bathroom. so now the whole thing doesn't match because the floor is very brown and my old decor was very purple- but whatever- we have a floor in there for the first time ever!

While the guy was fixing our bathroom - joe was still trying to pickup all the tree limbs from the storm that happened last month- he was still chainsawing away- its crazy how much stuff is out there.
Allison- ella's cousin- turned two this week- so we went to her party on Sunday! it was fun for all the kids- there were about 13 kids there! Ella didn't love the noise very much- but in the end she and alli got to wear the same pj's to bed that night- so that was special-except for the fact that ella had a crazy messy diaper just before bed- and well the new pj's were the second biggest causality of ella's stinky wrath! The biggest of course being her poor onsie :( Well- there is always next laundry cycle!

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