Ella loves the new baby - but I think she thinks Zoe is a dolly. She has given her lots of kisses, smacked her in the head and showed me that "Zoe has eyes!" - its gonna be a fun couple of months...Zoe is going to have to be a tough little girl :)
I was in the hospital a bit extra because my epidural needle scratched by dural sac "spinal cord" and caused a cerebral spinal fluid leak. It sounds bad- but it happens to 5% of people getting epidurals.
I had a crazy debilitating headache that goes away when you lay flat- so I had to lay flat until Tuesday. The treatment is a blood patch into your spinal epidural space. What they do it take about 10cc of your blood and inject it into your spine in order to form a clot. You don't have blood in your spinal cord - so they need to inject blood in order to clot it. So thats what they did on day 3- but my spine didn't clot- so we stayed at the hospital a bit extra- had a bunch of weird neck/spine problems- but it all cleared up Tuesday afternoon.
So now- other then some back pain - I'm totally back to normal. I even worked on Wednesday- only 6 days after having the baby- I'm super proud of myself for pulling that off :) I could have never gone back to work after Ella was born- but this time seems way better.
Zoe has been really good at home- she is still up most of the night- today is her one week b-day! She almost never cries- she is more of a squeaker- Joe says she is very polite :) She is a very sweet little girl and if you haven't you totally need to meet her <3
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